You may want to create a blog to display information and news on your site, you can easily create a blog post by following the steps below.
- In your Dashboard, click on 'Blog'
- There is a toggle, please make sure that this is green and not red
- To create a blog post, select Write Blog Post
You need to come up with a name for your blog post. At the moment, it is called "New Post." Put in a new name, and click "Save"
- Now you can edit your post. Its very similar to editing a page on your website. To add a region such as text or a picture, click the "Add Block" button.
- Pick the type of block you require
- You should then see how the new block has now been added to your blog.
For help using a Text Block, visit How do I add text to my website?
- Continue adding and editing regions until you are happy with your blog post. When you are done, click "Make Post Live" to publish your post. If this will be the first blog post you've published, then you'll see a "Do you want to turn on your blog?" question.
- If you need to edit, move or delete a block after it has been added just hover your mouse over a block and you'll see the tools appear.
- At the bottom of the page there is also the ability to add blog tags. These blog tags are used to categorise your blog posts so it is easier for visitor to your website to find the content they are looking for. To find out more about blog takes visit our Blog Tag Guide.
Congratulations, you have successfully published a blog post and setup your blog. You can also add a link to your latest blog post to other pages of your website. Go to the page where you want the link to be placed, click Add Block and select Blog Post. The link will be added and whenever you add a new blog post the link will be automatically updated to go to the new post.
How can I change the date of my blog posts?
To change the date of a blog post when it is in draft form or live, go into your Dashboard and click on the "Blog" on the left-hand sidebar menu. You will also need to make sure you are in the editor mode of your Dashboard.
In here you will see all of the Blog posts you have written. To change the date of one of them simply click on the date written under the heading of your post.
When you click on the date a calendar will pop up and you can change date by clicking the day, using the drop down menus or click the Set to Today button.
You are also able to turn off the blog dates. If you head to the dashboard --> Blog, there is a section there where you are able to hide the dates on blogs.