What is a blog?
A blog is an area of your website to keep news, updates, and sharing your expertise in your field of business, displayed as individual posts. The blog posts appear in date order with your most recent post displayed first. A blog is a great way to engage with your customers with weekly news or information that you would like to publish on your website.
This guide will cover:
How do I get started on my Rocketspark Blog?
Blog Tutorial - Click "Get Started"
(To make this tour bigger, click the arrows on the right or zoom in)
Blogging insight
Before you begin your blog, it would be a good idea to do some research about blogging for business, why you should bother with it, how to do it well, and then how to promote these great blogs you’ve written.
- Rocketspark blog example
- Why you should bother with blogs?
- 8 principles for writing a blog that gets more web traffic
- Why and How to Promote Your Blog on Social Media
How do I get started on my Blog?
- Go to your website and log in to your Dashboard. Then click on the Blog.
- You can now click Write Blog Post to get started writing your first post. To find out more about creating a blog post, click here.
- At the moment, your blog is not live, meaning that visitors to your website can't view your blog. This gives you the time to create your first blog post. Once you are ready to go live with your blog, toggle the blog ON.
To view all blog posts, click Go to Blog
Blog Settings
Display blog posts as a list or grid
You can decide if you want your blog to display in a list view or a grid view. To choose the layout, click the dropdown within the blog settings "Display blog as a list or grid".
- If you have chosen the grid view, you can also choose if you would like your post’s text left-aligned or center-aligned.
Order blog tags by:
Within the blog settings in your dashboard, click the dropdown "order blog tags by". You can choose for your blogs to be ordered by the most popular posts or the most recent.
Blog Posts are ordered by date order (the latest posts are closer to the top than older posts), or the most popular posts. But you can feature blog posts to bring them to the top. Check out our guide to featuring a blog post
Show dates in blog posts
You will have the option to either display blog post dates or leave these out.
By default, the dates will display but to turn these off, click the dropdown Show dates in Dropdown and choose Hide dates.
Optional Blog Features
You can add tags to your blog posts so your visitors can view all posts on a particular topic. Learn more about setting up tags here.
You can also add commenting to your blog so that users can comment on your blog posts. Find out more about adding comments here.