Offering free shipping to people who spend over a minimum value per order in your shop is a great way to encourage them to spend more in exchange for the reward of free shipping.
However, shipping items offshore is typically more expensive. If you are selling to both domestic and international customers, you might want to exclude free shipping from international orders. Or, you might want to set different shipping destinations to have a different minimum spend to receive free shipping.
It's very easy to set up free shipping based on the country in your dashboard. Here is how to do so:
- Log in to the Dashboard. In the left-hand column, click on the 'Manage Store' button. And then, navigate to Shipping.
- If it's the first time you come to Shipping settings, you will be asked to Add a country you ship to.
- Add all the countries you are shipping to one by one by selecting the country from the country selector and clicking the Add Country button.
- Select the country tab you want to set free shipping for and then click the Set value button to set a minimum spend for an order to receive free shipping when it's shipped to the selected country. There is no Save button for saving the changes. When you see the green tick showing up, you know that the change has been saved.
- To remove free shipping for a specific country, select the country tab under Your shipping countries and click Delete. Then confirm by clicking the button Remove free shipping.
Don't forget to let your customers know about the free shipping! Add an announcement bar on your homepage to advertise the offer.