We recommend you set up Mailparser to make the managing and processing of your Rocketspark shop order emails easy. You can then set up or utilise Zapier Email Parser to send yourself text messages whenever an order has been made from your online store. Mailparser has both free and paid plans, depending on the number of orders you expect to receive,
You can either watch the how-to video or follow our step-by-step instructions below.
Here are the steps:
1. Sign up for an account at mailparser.io
2. Create your first inbox.
3. Copy the new email address to your clipboard.
4. Open your Dashboard and go to 'Manage store'.
5. Once in Manage store, head to 'Store Preferences'
6. Paste your new email address into Order Emails field.
7. You'll need to send an order through to Mailparser to activate the process.
8. To do this, send through at least two items on an ordering email.
a. Change to Preview Mode and navigate to your store.
b. Add 2 items into your cart and complete the order as you would if you were a customer (but in this case, in your dashboard).
c. Set your Delivery details to Delivery, Today and set to any time.
d. Click on Review Order and then Proceed to Payment. Select Bank Deposit in this case so that the order goes through straight away.
Setting up your Mailparser.io account with parsing rules
1. Go back into your Mailparser.io account. You'll get a notification in Mailparser that they've received your shop order email.
2. Now you need to click on Add some parsing rules. By default Mailparser picks up most things that would be relevant to you, however this list is missing the items that were ordered.
3. Click Okay, start with this. Then select Parsing Rules on the top left of your window.
4. Select Add Parsing Rule.
5. Select Body, and then HTML.
How to add text filters
We want to trim down and collect the info from line 35 to line 52.
1. Choose Add Text Filter, Set Start & End Position, Find Start Position.
2. In the section named Content before filter, select and copy from the word Product to the end of the pipe on line 34.
3. Paste it alongside the heading Find Start Position.
Setting the Start Position for the information you want to include in the order you receive.
4. In the section named Content after filter, we want to remove the content on line 01. To do this we need to add another text filter.
4.1 Choose Add Text Filter, Set Start & End Position, Find Start Position (see step 1 above).
5. Select After (x) lines, then choose 1 from the dropdown to remove the content on line 01.
How to Define the End Position
We now want to remove all info after line 20.
1. To do that go to Add Text Filter, Set start & End Position, and Define End Position.
2. Next to Define End Position, select Text match: before from the dropdown.
3. Copy the word Subtotal from line 20, and paste it into the text box alongside where you selected Text match: before from the dropdown.
You're now left with only the essential information which is the two items that were ordered through your website store.
Set the processing for your future orders:
1. Select Add Text Filter from the dropdown, then Extract Tabular Data and finally, Parse Repeating Text Blocks.
You're now left with the 9 lines.
2. Select 9 from the dropdown alongside the Repeats every heading. You're now left with just singular lines for each product ordered.
However, there's still some information in there that you won't need for processing this and future orders. You therefor want to get rid of some of the columns (the white highlight indicates the separate columns) so your orders are extra easy to read.
1. Add Cell Filter, Remove & Select, Set Column Range.
2. Next to skip first, choose 1 and next to and crop last, choose 4.
Now we also want to remove the product code because we don't need this information to process orders. We only require the name of the item and the quantity.
1. Add Cell Filter, Remove & Select, Remove Columns.
2. Alongside Remove Columns, select 2 from the dropdown.
We're left with the name of the product and the quantity number, however there's just a number for quantity without a description. We want to add a heading next to the quantity number to avoid any confusion.
1. Add Cell Filter, Refine Cell Values, Search & Replace.
2. Select By Regular Expressions, Column # 3, copy and paste /(\d+)/ into the Search for text block. Enter Qty: $1 into the and replace with text block (make sure you haven't added any extra spaces).
Now finally, we want to combine all the columns into 1 text block.
1. Add Cell Filter, Split, Merge & Transpose, Create Single Text Block.
You're now left with an easy-to-read format.
Name your Parsing rule in the Name of field text block, and click Validate & Save.
Set up text notifications for your online orders
If you'd like to set up text notifications for orders you receive, head to How to set up text notifications for your online orders?