Spacing text correctly can help the overall aesthetic and flow of your website. On Rocketspark, you can change letter spacing and line height for H1, H2, H3, paragraph, and button text on the site-wide and stack-specific level. You can even change the letter spacing in your menu text.
Change letter spacing and line height site-wide:
- Log into your Rocketspark dashboard
- Go to CHANGE DESIGN in the top left corner
- In the sidebar, click open Headings & Paragraphs
- Then click the three dots "..." to access the letter spacing and line height controls
- Here you will be able to adjust the Letter spacing and Line Height.
- To change the Letter Spacing on your Buttons go to Buttons in your Change Design Section. Then click the three dots "..." to access the Letter spacing (tracking) controls
Change letter spacing and line height for a stack:
- Go to Stack-specific Settings by clicking on the colour wheel sliding out from the right of your screen when you hover the mouse over the stack you're wanting to edit.
- In the sidebar, click open Headings & Paragraphs
- Then click the three dots "..." to access the letter spacing and line height controls
- To change the Letter Spacing on your Buttons go to Buttons in your stack specific design settings. Then click the three dots "..." to access the Letter spacing (tracking) controls
Change letter spacing in your header menu:
- Log into your Rocketspark dashboard
- Go to CHANGE DESIGN in the top left corner
- In the sidebar, click open Header & Menu
- Then click the three dots "..." to access the header layout controls
- Now you can click on the three dots "..." to access the menu text settings
- Here you will be able to adjust the Letter spacing.
- To change the Letter Spacing of your menu text use the + and - or click on the number.