If you receive emails from Rocketspark (order notifications, email enquiries etc) we recommend whitelisting/safelisting the domain names we email you from to make sure our emails get through to you. See below on how to do this if your emails are with Rocketspark.
If your emails are not with Rocketspark, please contact your email provider to get the following domains whitelisted:
- @%rocketsparkmailer.com
Disclaimer: If you have a Google Workspace account with Rocketspark please refer to this guide: Add IP addresses to allowlists in Gmail
How to safelist emails from Rocketspark if your emails are hosted by Rocketspark using Webmail:
- Log in to our webmail system
- Click the Settings link, located in the upper right corner of the webmail window.
- In the left pane, click Spam Settings
- Click Safelist
- Click the Add button under Safelisted Domains & Email Addresses
- Enter @%rocketsparkmailer.com
- Click the Add button
- Click the Save button
Then repeat this process for @rocketspark.com
Check Your Spam Folder!
You also may have noticed a couple of these emails in your Spam Folder before you set up the Safelist. If this is the case in order to also train your mailbox to automatically add these to your inbox we recommend marking these emails in your Spam Folder as Not Spam (only those that you of course want to appear in your inbox in the future e.g emails from Rocketspark).
E.g If you have a Rocketspark Email Click "Not Spam" under the More Tab: