If you are a business that needs to charge a sales tax such as GST or VAT this guide will explain the various options available with regards to tax. Rocketspark ecommerce can only display pricing including tax, the tax rules describe how tax is broken out on sales.
Country Specific tax rates
Rocketspark lets you set the tax rate at a country level. For example, if you are a New Zealand GST registered business you may need to charge 15% GST on sales to customers in New Zealand, however sales to other countries may be zero-rated and it is not necessary to charge GST.
In this example you would setup a shipping region for “New Zealand” which has 15% tax called “GST”. For all international shipping regions you would set 0% tax rate.
If your website is connected with Xero for ecommerce sales your tax rates will be pulled in from your Xero settings and you will set the tax rate from a dropdown list of tax rates that mirror the tax options you have set up in Xero.
Product Tax Exemptions
If you are selling TAX-exempt products through your Rocketspark store, you can disable the tax on a per-product basis via the edit product screen.
Tax is still charged on shipping / freight, even if the items on the order are tax exempt.
It is not possible to set different tax rates on different products. If you require this feature please let us know so that we can add your vote to this feature idea.
UK Tax Exempt Rules: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/rates-of-vat-on-different-goods-and-services
United States - State/Postcode based tax rates
At the moment Rocketspark ecommerce is not built to support tax calculation for sales into the USA. We currently don't allow pricing to be shown as excluding tax on Rocketspark stores and also isn't calculated at checkout based on the purchases state/postcode. If this is a feature you require, please register your interest.