Protecting your data and your website is really important to us. Here’s how we aim to keep your website safe.
We keep our source code a secret
Websites are built using a source code, which is a special piece of computer code (that looks strangely like gobbledygook to most non-techie folks). Now, many popular content management systems (CMS, i.e., programs that allow you to edit your website, like Wordpress, SilverStripe and Concrete5) make their source code public. Anybody can get their hands on their source code. That’s great for people who want to make a website for cheap. Problem is, it’s also great for hackers. Since the source code is freely available, this makes websites using this CMS more vulnerable to being hacked.
Rocketspark’s CMS, however, keeps its source code a secret (“proprietary CMS”). Nobody knows it except us. That means the chances of hackers being able to hack your website are far, far lower than they would be if your site had been built using an open-source CMS. Read more about the advantages of proprietary CMS here.
We implement important security measures
All logins to Rocketspark Dashboard and site edits take place over a secure HTTPS connection.
All access to servers is via secure SSH public/private key encryption by our technicians
We use extremely secure hosting
Data on the internet, including your website, is stored on specialised computers called servers. These servers are typically housed at data centres. We don’t cut corners—we store our clients’ websites at only the most Fort Knox-like data centres: Pax8, Rackspace and Amazon. Here are just some of the features of our web hosts:
Our data centres’ physical premises are rigorously protected and secured with onsite security and round-the-clock monitoring of facilities, advanced fire- and environmental-protection systems, and (at minimum) swipe-card access for authorised personnel only, to name just a few of the stringent measures implemented by our web hosts.
Our servers software is running up to date versions with the latest security patches which are regularly updated. Find out more about the security of our data centres here.
We also have DDOS protection in place, so that any attacker will be throttled back and blocked.
Your site's traffic can be secured with SSL
Rocketspark provides a free SSL certificate with any website subscription. This makes your visitors traffic secured with the HTTPS. This is important for your visitors especially when filling out contact forms or filling out the checkout steps in the shop.
Find out more about enabling SSL here.
Rocketspark Website Password security
Your security is only as good as your password. We recommend you create a strong password with at least 8 characters in length as a minimum and ideally not a name or common term as this could be compromised or guessed. Rocketspark has a special system to detect suspicious behaviour and block out any potential intruders. Ideally, a password should contain a mix of alphabet, numbers, uppercase, lowercase and special characters to make it really hard to break!
Make sure the email account that you used to sign up to Rocketspark also has a strong password! So no one can use the forgotten password process to recover your account.
Hosted Email account security
All our email solutions have triple-layer anti-spam and anti-virus scans as well as SSL encryption for all domains to add more protection for your sensitive email data and stored information.
Our email hosting solution requires at least 8 characters and at least 1 uppercase character & 1 numerical character as part of this.
We perform regular backups of your data
We help protect your data by performing regular backups automatically. That means that, if hackers mess with it, often we can get your valuable data back for you. Here’s how:
- Daily and monthly snapshots of your website’s images and files, which means a quick recovery if you happen to lose your data.
- Content changes to your site are recorded so that if you accidentally delete some important content, we can restore it for you.
- All the code of your website is automatically stored in the cloud and changes to it are tracked so that we can revert back to an older version if needed.
- One month of daily database snapshots are kept and stored in multiple off-site locations.
- Seven days of daily images of our server on standby are kept, which we can revert back to quickly.
Even large highly secure organisations have been subjected to hacking so it can happen. If you notice anything strange on your website please don’t hesitate to contact us to check.
We will never ask you for your website password, so be wary if anyone asks you for your password.