NowBookIt is a booking platform for restaurants. You can add NowBookIt to your site by following the below steps:
- Sign into your Rocketspark Dashboard
- Click the Editor button at the top of the page
- Find the stack where you want to insert the widget. Click Add Block.
- Add a code block.
- Copy the NowBookIt widget code that has been supplied to you and paste it into the HTML code block:
<iframe src="
Note: This code is for an on page booking widget.
style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="myiFrame" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1"
marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="780px" width="400px"
</iframe> - Click the Publish button.
Your NowBookIt widget should now be successfully embedded, ready to take your customers’ bookings!
Please note that this is a third-party integration that there may be costs associated with using this tool.