Disclaimer: Lightspeed used to be Vend, we have updated the wording throughout the Rocketspark system.
Rocketspark provides the ability to selectively sync your products based on a specific tag.
This is great when you have a large product range but may not want to sell all of your products online. If you haven't connected your site with Lightspeed follow our How to Link Lightspeed with Rocketspark guide.
Step 1. Setup your tag in Lightspeed
Before you can enable Tag Syncing with Rocketspark you need to have a tag setup in Lightspeed and assigned to the products that you want to be pulled into Rocketspark.
Note to existing Rocketspark & Lightspeed customers. You can quickly assign the tag to all your existing Rocketspark/Lightspeed synced products by adding a tag in Lightspeed to one of your products, then following the instructions in Step 2.7 below to get this tag pushed to all your existing For Sale products on Rocketspark and updated into Lightspeed on all these products in a simple step. If you need to bulk delete a large number of hidden products please contact Rocketspark support.
If you already have your tag setup, skip to step 2.
- Log into your Lightspeed account at lightspeedhq.com.au
- On the left-hand menu click "Products"
- Edit a product you'd like to sync to Rocketspark which needs a tag.
- On the Edit Product page in Lightspeed scroll down to the tag area.
- Add a unique tag to identify this product as to be synced to Rocketspark. You can call this tag anything you like. In my example, I'm calling this tag "rocketspark-sync" but you can call this anything you like.
- You need to add this tag to all products in Lightspeed that you want to be imported into Rocketspark. Follow steps 3 - 6 to complete this for all products.
For advanced users you might find it faster to use the Lightspeed CSV import feature to assign the tag to many products quickly in a CSV file upload. See the How to bulk edit tags in Lightspeed help guide.
Step 2. How to enable Tag Syncing
Once you have your tag setup in Lightspeed you can now configure Rocketspark to only sync/import products that have this tag.
- Make sure you are logged into your Rocketspark Dashboard.
- Navigate to the Lightspeed Settings. On the menu (left-hand side of the page) under "Store" click the onto “Manage Store” page. A sub-menu will appear.
- From the sub-menu, choose “Lightspeed Settings” under the heading Integrations.
- Make sure you have connected with Lightspeed before proceeding to the next step. If you haven't connected please follow our connection steps here: How to Link Lightspeed with Rocketspark guide
- Scroll down to the Import Products from Lightspeed section and locate the "Tag syncing" drop down.
- Change the drop-down to "Tag syncing".
- Choose the tag to sync products from.
- There is also an option to apply this tag to any existing Lightspeed products in Rocketspark. If you have previously connected with Lightspeed we will automatically detect existing Lightspeed products in Rocketspark and assign the tag into them, this will also automatically push the tag back to Lightspeed so is a quick way to get your tag onto those products you are wanting to sell online. (If you have marked any products as Hidden on Rocketspark we won't assign the tag to them).
- Click Save.
- From here we will only accept product updates from those products that have the correct tag. If you used the automatic tag option that tag will be assigned and pushed back to your Lightspeed account in the next few minutes. A popup will appear where you can then select your Lightspeed tag to sync from.
- Choose the tag to sync products from.
- If you haven't connected with Lightspeed before you may want to click the Import Products button to bring all the products with your tag on them into Rocketspark. Once you've done the initial import the Re-Sync from Lightspeed process will only pull in products that have the tag assigned.
- Hide the tag from showing, normally new tags in Lightspeed will be hidden in your store. But just in case you need to hide this tag from showing to your customers this can easily be done from your main Store home, follow steps here to Hide / Show tags in your store.
Disabling Tag syncing
It's simple to disable tag syncing if you decide you would like to now sync all products to Rocketspark.
- Back on the main Rocketspark Dashboard -> Store Settings -> Lightspeed Settings page, scroll down to the Tag Syncing area and click the x next to your tag. Or change the drop down to "Sync all products"
- Once done Lightspeed will now sync all products. You may want to click the "Re-Sync from Lightspeed" button to pull in all your products from Lightspeed to Rocketspark.
Changing the tag to sync from
We don't have a change tag option, but you can easily follow the Disable Tag syncing steps above and then simply enable Tag syncing again with a different tag selected.