Facebook shopping allows you to be able to add display and add products to your Facebook page to be able to be viewed through your Facebook business page or Instagram. When you set up Facebook shopping customers will be able to see a preview of the product along with a price and product details.
The setup process can be quite involved and confusing, so if you are keen to get somebody else to assist you with the setup, please contact us so that we can refer you to our expert partners and they can provide a quote to set up Facebook Shopping for you.
Here are the steps from our own learning on how to enable Facebook Shopping using Rocketspark's Google Shopping feed.
Please Note:
Facebook have had an update on the 24th of April which has changed the markets that Facebook shopping is available for which can be found here. If you are based in New Zealand, you will notice that this is no longer supported for you.
Create a catalog in Facebook Business Manager using the Rocketspark Google Shopping feed.
Our Google Merchant Feed is an XML file from which Facebook can access and fetch information automatically and build the data feed in your catalog.
- Go to the Google Merchant menu in your Rocketspark Dashboard Shop Settings.
- Copy your Google Merchant Feed URL.
Go to your Facebook Business Manager, and click on Commerce.
- Click on Add catalog
- Choose the Type of your catalog, and then configure the settings of your catalog, including the Catalog Name, Catalogue Owner (set this to be your business Facebook Page), and upload method (select Upload Product Info).
Navigate back to the Catalogue Manager, and choose the catalog that you've just created.
Add products to your catalog by clicking Data Sources under Catalog on the left-hand menu.
- Click Data feed, then click Next
- Select use a URL, then paste in the URL from your Google Merchant Feed on your Rocketspark site. You don't need to add a username or password. This will not work on private login sites. Then click Next.
Next, you need to select how often the schedule updates. We recommend daily. Once you've selected your update schedule, click Next and give your data feed a name and a currency. Ensure your currency matches the one you've set up on your Rocketspark store.
You will see that your feed is being uploaded. Once done, check if all products in your Rocketspark shop have been added to the catalog from the Products tab. Facebook will also let you know if any products have been rejected.
You will need to make sure that each of the products has at least one image attached to it as this is what will be pulled through to Facebook. It is best practice to ensure your site and products are set up before it is connected to Facebook Shopping to ensure that the right information is pulling through. It can take up to 48 hours for everything to pull through. If you have any products that are rejected and you are not sure why please feel free to send these to support@rocketspark.com.
Set up your Facebook/Instagram store
Once you have set up a catalogue with a data source you will be able to get the store set up. to do this follow the steps below:
1. From the commerce manager go to shop in the left hand menu
2. Click to go to shops.
3. Click next to start setting up your shop on Facebook and Instagram
4. Choose to checkout on another website (this will be your Rocketspark website)and click Next.
5. Select the shop that you are wanting to set up for your business - if this option is not showing yet, please check to see that the catalog is set up and your Facebook page is a business account.
6. Select the business account you want this connected to this will be where you can run ads for the page, if you don't have a business account set up set please select to create a new business account.
7. Select the shipping destinations that you can ship to. Then click Next.
8. Review your shop settings and check to agree to the terms and conditions, click Finish setup
Once this is all uploaded your products should start to show on the business Facebook account this can take up to 48 hours if your account is new as Meta will need to verify your business - you will be emailed as soon as this is verified.
9. When the site is verified you will be able to check for any errors and publish the shop on your Facebook and Instagram account.