Edit your Rocketspark website with confidence
Have you ever wondered, "Is what I'm editing in the Rocketspark Dashboard the same as what visitors to my site see?", then the answer is yes! The edits you make within your Rocketspark account will be reflective of what your customers see from your live website. Rocketspark websites and the dashboard where you edit your site are responsive to your screen size and resolution.
Step sizes:
Rocketspark has 5 step changes that occur at different screen resolutions. This means as a viewer's screen reduces or increases in width, the content on the page adjusts in size to ensure everything fits on the page as it was designed.
Different users access websites from a variety of devices with varying screen sizes, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop monitors. By adjusting your screen size during the editing process, you can ensure that your website is responsive and displays correctly across a range of devices.
Always make sure that you review your website at the smallest screen size, the mobile view. Mobile view is the most important screen size due to the majority of cinsumers viewing websites on a mobile decive. Here are best practices to edit your mobile webiste: How do I make my own mobile website?