Blog posts are a great way to promote your business and help attract new customers. An easy way to get your website and business name out there is by sharing your blog content on social media. You can share directly from your blog to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn.
- This feature is built into Rocketspark and is easy to do. Firstly, make sure that you have connected your social media accounts to your Rocketspark website. If you need help with this, check out our support guides on the subject here.
- Now log out of your Dashboard so that when you share the posts the website URL (address) will be for your live website.
- Next, you need a blog post to share. Go to your blog page and find an existing post that you want to share or create a new one. For more help on how to do this, you can work through our support guide here on how to create a new blog.
- Click into the blog post that you wish to share on your blog page.
- Scroll to the bottom and you will find a social media bar. Once there, you can click on the social media website button that you would like to share the blog post on.
- Based on the selection you make, you will be given various options and these will be specific to your social media choice. Follow the prompts to finalise your post/share/like/pin/tweet. Keep in mind, you may be asked to log in to your social media account before you can finalise your post.
If you wish to share to a social network that is not in the options above just copy the URL of the post and share from within your social network account.