You can easily add more products to your online shop. If you want to add a lot of products at once or are familiar with using CSVs (spreadsheets) to manage products, you might like to use our CSV upload option to add your products to the shop as well.
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- Log into your Rocketspark Dashboard.
- Click on Products in the left-hand side menu.
- Click the Add Product button.
- You’ll be taken to a new page, headed New Product. It’s time now to enter the following product details:
- Product Title. Type in the name of the product you wish to add.
- Product Code. Type in the product code, which is a code unique to the product that enables identification.
- Description. Type in a description of the product.
Category: Select from the menu the existing categories you want to put the product under. To add a new category, type in the Add new field (at the bottom of the Category menu) and click Add next to it.
- Shipping rate. Select from the menu the shipping rate you want to apply to the product.
Product status. Select from the menu the status of the product (e.g., For Sale, Out of Stock, etc.). You can update the status easily at any time by clicking the menu on the right side of the black bar at the top of the page.
To include images of the product, complete the following steps:
- Click the Upload Picture button, located on the right side of the Description field.
- A file browser will appear. Locate the image you wish to add and click open.
- Your image will now appear above the button. To add more, simply repeat the above steps. To delete an image, place your cursor so that it hovers over the image until a rubbish bin icon appears. Click the icon, then click Yes when asked for confirmation. The image will be removed.
- Once done the product image upload, you can auto-crop your product images to be the same shape. Follow this help guide.
- Click the Upload Picture button, located on the right side of the Description field.
It’s time to move on to the Price, Inventory & Variants section. You’ll first need to determine whether or not there are any product variants (e.g., size, colour).
- If there are no variants, set the toggle next to the Price, Inventory & Variants heading to Off (red).
- Price. Type in the amount you wish to charge for the product, including tax.
- Stock. Type in the number of that product you have in stock. If you don’t want to manage stock, leave this as 0, and select Continue Selling from the If the stock reaches zero menu.
If the stock reaches zero. Select from the menu the appropriate action if the stock reaches zero (e.g., Hide product). When the stock reaches zero the product status will change to this value unless set to Continue selling.
If there are product variants, set the toggle next to the Price, Inventory & Variants heading to on (green) by clicking it. If this is the first time you have enabled variants then you’ll be shown the variant setup pane. This pane allows you to quickly add all the colour and size options (or other variants) for a product and Rocketspark will generate all the possible combinations of these as variants for you.
- Option Type. Type in the kind of variant (e.g., “Size” or “Colour”).
Options. Type in the various options (e.g., “Small, Medium, Large”). Separate them with commas to add multiple at a time. Click the Add button to add these as a new option type.
- Once you have added an option type you can click Add after each entry or alternatively delete unwanted options by clicking on the x icon in the dark grey option bubbles.
Once you have all the possible option types and options added for your product click the red Setup all variants button. A table will be created with each possible combination of variants. You must set the price and stock levels for each variant:
- Click the pencil icon in the Price column to set the price of that particular variant. Type in the price. Repeat for each variant.
- Click the pencil icon in the Stock column to set the stock level of that particular variant. Type in the stock level. Repeat for each variant.
- Click the pencil icon of any other field you wish to edit and simply type in the correct word/value.
- In the final column of the table, you can delete, move, or set as the default any of the variants. To delete one, click the x icon. To move a variant, hover over the field, and an up/down arrow will appear; click and drag the field to the desired position. To set as the default variant, click the tick icon next to the applicable variant. The default variant is the option initially displayed/selected when a shopper first visits your product page.
- You can add new options and option types at any time by clicking the Add Attribute Column and Add Variant Row buttons at the bottom of the table, and simply filling out the field that appears.
- A maximum of three attribute types is allowed per product.
- If the variant toggle is on, you must have at least one variant set up.
- Variants must have all fields filled out.
- If the stock reaches zero menus are set to Hidden or Sold out, you must have stock available to also set the product status to For Sale.
- The product code must be the unique per product, Rocketspark will try to automatically generate these for you.
The final section is headed Related Products. You need to determine if you’d like related products to be displayed on the page with this product.
- If you do not want related products to be displayed, set the toggle to off (red) by clicking on it. Alternatively, simply don’t add any related products.
- If you do want related products to be displayed, check that the toggle is set to on (green) by clicking it. Then do the following:
- Begin typing in the product name of a related product you would like displayed. A list of suggestions should appear (provided you have already added the product). Select from the suggestions the product you would like displayed and click the Add button next to it.
- Begin typing in the product name of a related product you would like displayed. A list of suggestions should appear (provided you have already added the product). Select from the suggestions the product you would like displayed and click the Add button next to it.
Do this for as many related products as you want to be displayed on the product page. Each selection will appear below the field. To delete a related product from being displayed, just click the x icon on the right of the grey bar.
Click the red Save Changes button located at the top of the page to save this information.